April 29, 2018: Don't Just Stand There!

Philippians series message 10

Text: Philippians 2:12-18

So we've focused on unity the past two weeks. Paul urges the Philippians to collectively work out their salvation by doing everything without grumbling or complaining. Attention will be given to the past, present, and future aspects of salvation as well as our responsibility to cooperate with the Spirit's presence and work in our lives to forward Christian maturity (and, our responsibility to spur others on to maturity and good works) while not losing sight of the context of this passage, which has in mind a more corporate working out of the same. 

April 22, 2018: Painting the Picture of Unity

Philippians series message 9

Text: Philippians 2:1-11

This week we will continue in Philippians with the unity that comes from our common faith in Jesus Christ. But let's be honest, while we have a concept of what unity is supposed to be, we often struggle with how to actually live it out. Our picture needs definition. It needs depth. It needs detail so we can see what unity really looks like. This week we will look at Paul's desire for unity in the church at Philippi to bring clarity to what God is calling us to at DBC. 

April 15, 2018: Developing Humility

Philippians series message 8

Text: Philippians 2:1-11

From contending for the Gospel with those outside, Paul turns to in-house matters. Humility is the main theme, which drives how we interact with and treat one another. By developing unity in striving for the gospel, we must each first develop humility. Pastor Mike & I are going to tag team on this passage and reverse-engineer it. I'll set up the humility of Jesus, and he'll follow next week, making the specific application for each of us, in light of that example. 

April 8, 2018: What We're Striving For

Philippians series message 7

Text: Philippians 1:27-30

The last few weeks we've seen the centrality of the gospel and, furthermore, the centrality of the death and resurrection of Christ within the gospel. Now what do we do with this? What are we aiming for? Three key directives: know your footing, cultivate unity, and develop boldness.


April 1, 2018: The Resurrection; Not a Sidebar

Resurrection Sunday message

Text: I Corinthians 15:3-8

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is of first importance: no resurrection, no hope. In this message we'll consider not only the importance of the resurrection and the implications of it, but the compelling evidence for this event in history - a man who was really and truly dead was raised to life!

March 25, 2018: Christ, Our Passover Lamb

Philippians series message 6

Text: Philippians 1:21

As we approach Resurrection Sunday, we'll continue to reflect on the power of the Gospel via the last supper. My aim is to demonstrate the unity of Scripture in speaking to the suffering and triumph of Messiah, and the power of the truth that it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. I'll incorporate the Sedar dinner but it won't be the centerpiece as it was two years ago at this time. 


March 18, 2018: The Power of Christ!

Philippians series message 5

Text: Philippians 1:19-26

The Gospel brings great ANTICIPATION, great HOPE, great PERSPECTIVE! Last week Paul rehearsed his many woes in wanting to minister in Rome, but noted that the Lord was faithful through it all because the Gospel was being proclaimed in a strategic way which brought the truth right to the powers that be. He didn't casually settle for that, he intentionally chose to rejoice in it! This week we'll see the power of the Gospel as evidenced in Paul's iconic statement, for me to live is Christ and to die is gain. 

March 11, 2018: The Important Thing

Philippians series message 4

Text: Philippians 1:12-18

Have you set your heart to do something godly and then suffered for it? You are actually trying to serve the Lord and bad things happen. In those circumstances, do you ask "WHY???" Paul didn't. He had his grand plans messed up and suffered greatly for it, yet he was tripping over himself to give praise to God. Why is this? Because the Gospel was being advanced in ways he never imagined, and that's all that's all that mattered to him! Paul's resolve and perspective point us to the centrality and power of the Gospel, something we must never forget or diminish. I've especially been reminded of this with Billy Graham's home-.going. 

March 4, 2018: Picture This!

Philippians series message 3

Text: Philippians 1:9-11

Paul now shows the content of his prayers for the Philippians, after commending them for their participation in the Gospel. We'll build on the strong word Mike brought last week to highlight five themes of his prayer; these themes are applicable for all believers - everywhere. His prayer is that they (we) would abound in a love which is guided and directed by knowledge and discernment, so that we can continuously develop our convictions and live to the fullest our calling and identity as Christ-followers. Our love grows through knowledge of Jesus Christ. Love well and digging deeper will be on full display.  

February 25, 2018: Relationships Reimagined

Philippians series message 2

Text: Philippians 1:7-8

Relationships are hard. It is so easy to let offenses divide us or give priority to something that drives us apart. Left alone we naturally drift apart. Not so with Paul's connection with the Philippians. He loved them deeply. They weren't just partners in ministry but they were also fellow partakers of God's grace and grace changes everything, especially our relationships. Will you reimagine your relationships in light of grace?

February 18, 2018: The Faithful One!

Philippians series message 1

Text: Philippians 1:1-6

When a guy writes about joy from prison, it's time to listen up. Paul shows us how Christian joy increases as we follow Christ, no matter our circumstances. 

Three key concepts:

1) His thoughts toward us (vs. 2): our feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness can be crushing at times. 

2) Partnership (vs. 5): pretty much our emphasis on discipleship - we all play a part. 

3) His faithfulness (vs. 6): He won't let go, He's with us in the storm, and thank GOD our standing is based on Christ's performance and not ours.

February 11, 2018: The Inside Ouch

Guest Speaker Scott Brown

In John 16, Jesus revealed a practical aspect of the Spirit's ministry among pre-believers that gives fresh perspective on our role in evangelism, and which removes the fear factor from evangelistic encounters with skeptics.


February 4, 2018: Reproduce!

Follow Me series message 6

Text: Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8

This is our final message in our discipleship series. We aren't meant to be passive with our faith, but to handle it with care and enthusiasm. We're commissioned to take the Good News to others, both to our neighbors and to the world. This is not for the professional clergy, it's for everyone! That includes evangelism and developing believers.

January 28, 2018: Repurposed

Follow Me series message 5

Text: Matthew 4:18-19

adapt for use in a different purpose

One of the most beautiful sights to behold is witnessing Christ
repurpose lives: our vision, our perspective, our hurts, and our
trajectory. Following Jesus involves submitting to His will and
purposes for us, and often it's an adventure we never would have
believed if someone had told us.

January 21, 2018: Always Learning

Flow Me series message 4

Text: Matthew 11:28-29

The very word disciple means student, or one who learns. As Christ followers, that's our lifelong heart posture. On Sunday we'll focus on humility, the demands of discipleship and learning from the written Word. 

January 14, 2018: Movement!

Follow Me series message 3

Text: Acts 4:13

To follow Jesus is to be part of a movement: God saved us from something to something in order to declare His praises! God's got work for each of us to do. Following Jesus is never stagnant or stale, and Jesus is bigger and better than all the negative church "culture" stereotypes such as legalism and hypocrisy. 


December 31, 2017: AIR8

Follow Me Series - message 1

Text: Romans 8:31-36

We’ll be looking at assurance in Romans 8. Nothing can interrupt God’s love for us in bringing believers to our final destiny of glorification into the image of Christ. Paul addresses this by asking four rhetorical questions:

- If God is for us, who can be against us?

- Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect?

- Who is to condemn?

- Who shall separate us from the love of God in Christ?

The obvious answer is NO ONE & NOTHING. Because our eternal salvation is completely by grace, it is God’s work; not ours. Because it is God’s work, it is uninterruptible!

December 24, 2017: My Utmost for His Highest - Your Savior is Weak!

Text: Hebrews 1:1-3

The bottle will rule you. Your past defines you. You'll always be a sex addict. He can help others but not you, you're a special case. Your sins are greater than His grace. There's power in the blood but not enough for your checkered past. And on down the list...

To the contrary! Jesus Christ is Lord and is a powerful and all-sufficient Savior. By virtue of our union with Him in His death and resurrection, sin shall not have dominion over us! He is a mighty Savior!

December 17, 2017: My Utmost for His Highest - How boring!

Text: Matthew 8:18-22

Said no prophet ever. Said no apostle ever. Said no disciple ever. Says no epistle ever. 

The boring Christian life is an invention of our own -  one in which the compelling call of Christ is replaced by a list of rules and unspoken decorum. Following Christ is, hands down, the most exhilarating ride out there. We labor with His strength, live with the eternal perspective, are fueled by grace, and enjoy a deep satisfaction, peace and joy unrivaled in the world. Suffering, peace, triumph, discipline, rewards - what more could we ask?