May 12, 2024: Freedom in Christ

Galatians series message 16

Text: Galatians 4:21-31

Paul employs the story of Isaac and Ishmael to demonstrate that the freedom and power the gospel provides are far superior to a life defined by adherence to the Old Testament Law (i.e., legalism). 

May 5, 2024: Known By God

Galatians series message 15

Text: Galatians 4:8-20

There is nothing greater in life than to be known by God, as that is what it means to know God personally - to be reconciled to Him, to be redeemed and indwelt by His Holy Spirit. Paul continues to express his great concern and affection for the Galatians, longing to see Christ formed in them. When it comes to the gospel, we simply cannot be vague or fuzzy on the details - clarity is needed as we build our lives on solid ground! 

April 21, 2024: Heirs According to Promise

Galatians series message 13

Text: Galatians 3:21-28

While combatting the Judaizers’ misguided notions regarding the Law, Paul affirms it is not contrary to the promises of God but plays a crucial role in God’s redemptive plan. On Sunday we’ll engage a lofty yet misunderstood statement that define what a Christian is.

April 14, 2024: Why Abraham Matters

Galatians series message 12

Text: Galatians 3:15-20

We're now at the heart of Paul's letter to the Galatians and it's all about Abraham. We'll dig deeper into his significance in the unfolding drama of redemption. Gaining clarity on this brings freedom and joy in our walk with Christ. When we consider the beauty of the gospel, we see God is all-wise and faithful to His promises. 

April 7, 2024: The Promise!

Galatians series message 11

Text: Galatians 3:15-19

In this message, we address the fulcrum of Paul's letter to the Galatians - Abraham, the Law, and the promise. A perfect passage for the Sunday after Easter! If you have struggled with legalism or been negatively affected by it, this message is for you.

March 31, 2024: Good News!

Supplemental Resurrection Day message

Text: Romans 1:1-7

We hear the word "gospel" a lot  - but what does it actually mean? It is an announcement of good news! The long awaited Messiah has come; He has died for sins and risen again - good news! Christ Jesus is Lord. The gospel is for everyone, and we are ministers of it!

March 24, 2024: Cursed!

Galatians series message 10

Text: Galatians 3:11-14

Our desire to contribute to our salvation is deeply ingrained in our thinking. Many turn to the Law or a moral law to do so. But that only brings a curse, because we can never fully keep the Law. And that's why the gospel is such good news! The Law giver submitted Himself to the Law's demands and kept it perfectly - yet, suffered as if He had not. All, to redeem us from the Law's curse! What a stunning passage to consider leading up to Good Friday. 

March 17, 2024: Live it Out!

Galatians series message 9

Text: Galatians 3:1-9

Can we be saved through our good works or keeping the law? No - Paul bolts that door shut. There is another important question that needs to be answered, affecting each of us: can I live this Christian life by my own efforts and in my strength? Can I put sin to death or love my neighbor by my own strength and abilities? Judaizers would say yes. The Gospel says no. Neither propositions brought by the Judaizers have any merit and nor do they breathe life, standing in stark contrast to the freedom of the Gospel. That's why the Gospel is good news! 

March 10, 2024: Only by Grace

Galatians series message 8

Text: Galatians 2:15-21

In this message we continue on with Peter’s struggle and examine the words of affirmation Paul provides. Let us be aware of the Good News that is inspired for us all. Simply put; there is nothing we can do on our own accord to receive the grace of God but to trust and believe in Him. 

March 3, 2024: Drop the Act

Galatians series message 7

Text: Galatians 2:11-14

This week, we see Peter compromising the truth of the gospel out of the fear of others. He's putting on an ‘act’ to avoid conflict, but Paul confronts him because he is off-track. Peter's moment of weakness shows us how easily we can be led astray, and bring others down with us, but Paul shows us how to stand. In this message we consider together how to stand like Paul for the truth of the gospel - even when we feel like Peter.

February 25, 2024: Remember the Poor

Galatians series message 6

Text: Galatians 2:10

In his epistle focused on the truth and content of the gospel, there is a gem of a statement nestled between Paul's personal history and gospel doctrine. We do well to pay attention to this word regarding the poor!

February 18, 2024: The Right Hand of Fellowship

Galatians series message 5

Text: Galatians 2:1-9

After fourteen years, Paul takes Barnabas and Titus, his test case, up to Jerusalem. He's given the right hand of fellowship and recognized as the one to take the gospel to the Gentiles. These details of Paul's testimony are absolutely crucial for the vitality and flourishing of the Church as the Gospel spreads and takes root. 

February 11, 2024: From Adversary to Apostle

Galatians series message 4

Text: Galatians 1:11-24

The gospel is rightly called the gospel of Jesus Christ because it never had its origins in the mind of man, but is from God. The Apostle Paul was not only a mouthpiece of the gospel but a living testimony of its breathtaking beauty and power. In this message, we hear some of Paul's unlikely story of switching sides and becoming a disciple of the One he persecuted so vehemently. 

February 4, 2024: One, and Only One, Gospel

Galatians series message 3

Text: Galatians 1:6-10

Having just given us the theme for his letter - the gospel - Paul immediately calls out any possibility of entertaining "another gospel." In the strongest possible terms, Paul asserts the exclusivity of Christ and the gospel.

January 28, 2024: Why did Jesus Die?

Galatians series message 2

Text: Galatians 1:1-5

The opening lines of Paul's letter set the tone for his message to the Galatians: Christ gave Himself for our sins, the tomb is empty and Jesus is Lord. What a powerful introduction and greeting! The opening verses set the tone for the entire letter.

Sunday, January 14, 2024 Standing on the Promises

As we have seen, God is faithful - He keeps His promises! Learning to appropriate what He's promised us brings much comfort, encouragement and stability in our lives! On Sunday we'll examine three of God's promises and also learn how to discern which promises are for us and which are better left for the original recipients.

January 7, 2024: Redeem the Time

Text: Ephesians 5:15-16

Time - we're more aware of it as we begin a new year, but will we be aware of it in glory? Scripture has much to say about time, and our relationship with it. Let's resolve to be intentional in how we prioritize and spend our time, knowing that our time here on earth is short and we are not guaranteed tomorrow. 

December 31, 2023: End of Year Reflections

As we close out this year and enter a new one, let us determine to continue in wonder, engage in worship, and be grounded in the Word. The comfort and joy of Christmas is for every day of our lives. We were made to worship - if we neglect true worship, we will worship lesser things. And may we abide in His Word, as true disciples of Jesus.